Peace of Music's
Here you can pick the exquisite choral-music of your choice from Peace of Music and Anders Nyberg's production!
You can order prints sent to your physical address or you can order digitally, here below directly to your own printer.
You can search the store, have a sneak view of the score, read the lyrics, listen to a recording and learn about the song. Then you choose how many copies you need and proceed to the checkout.
Discounts for bulk orders!
At least10%,
for 2-4 copies:
5-10: 25%
11-25: 40%,
26-49: 50%
50+: 60%
Hundra hymner (printed)
"Hundra hymner – Hundred Hymns" by Anders Nyberg.
Here you have a whole hymnbook full of new hymns with music and words by Anders Nyberg!
The hundred scores come with melody, lyrics and chord symbols. Some of the hymns have choral arrangements.
You can read more about the fascinating story of how this hymnal came to be.
This is an interactive hymnbook! You can hear more about how you can share your vocal versions of the hymns!
The songs are being presented continuously on Peace of Music's homepage this year, with new recordings coming in weekly.
N.B. This is the printed version that will be sent to you by ordinary mail.
The same discounts for bulk orders as for the digital scores do not apply here.
If you want to order more than one item, please check here for better rates.
Questions? Post them here!
There is also a digital version available.
Images courtesy of